Pfizer Director LIES about Covid Mutations to Impress his date.  Did it work?

Pfizer Director LIES about Covid Mutations to Impress his date. Did it work?

In this video caught by Project Veritas, the Pfizer director tells his date about how Pfizer is thinking of ways to mutate the Covid virus and make vaccines for the mutations ahead of time to be ahead of the game.  He said it isn't true, but he said it to impress his date.

Here is the video stream:

In this other video provided by Project Veritas, he gets called out about the video by James O'Keef.  Watch the madness unfold.

The real story is this Pfizer director most likely broke his NDA with Pfizer by telling his date too much information, even though he said they were all lies.  What do you think?  Is he Lying or is he lying about lying?  Comment below

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